Wondering how to make an eruption of revenue on your social media pages without spending a cent?
We like your style!
First things first: yes, you can definitely make revenue for your business without investing in media buying.
Is it easy? Of course not.
But in the long term, making revenue for free on social media is hugely powerful for your business. Plus, it’s a unique skill that very few business owners have learned.
So read on!
We Know Socials Work For B2C. But What About B2B?
Social media typically refers to the popular platforms Facebook & Instagram.
And a typical question is: will it work for B2B businesses?
In our experience, platforms like Facebook & Instagram can technically work for B2B…sometimes.
While it is possible, the results will be few and far between. Not to mention it will require extraordinary effort from your social media team.
This will be made even more difficult without an ad budget.
If you are a primarily B2B business owner, then we highly recommend migrating your social media strategy to LinkedIn. It’s far more friendly to business owners interacting with other business owners.
Don’t Treat Social Media Like A Money Printer
Unfortunately, plenty of business owners treat social media like a sales team. It’s not uncommon to hear phrases like:
How much revenue did our social media page generate this month?
Unlike sales, social media is rarely capable of delivering revenue on demand.
Instead, think of it as slow-burn: you must first create a community of people who follow your page.
How do you attract this community in the first place?
Content…very high quality content – and lots of it!
Building your community (especially on $0) will be slow and require patience. Alternatively, if you have the means, the more content you create = the faster you will grow.
But the wait is worth it. Once you have a community of active customers, they will do tremendous heavy lifting for you in terms of referrals and brand exposure.
Somebody recommending your product or service is far more compelling to a potential new customer than an ad could ever be.
Create An Environment To Support Existing Customers
Your existing customers are your greatest supporters…they also happen to be the people most likely to buy from you – again!
So, ensure a member of your team is actively replying to comments and messages to your social media page.
These inquiries will need to be responded to within thirty minutes.
Any later and your customers will feel ignored. But, these instances are the perfect opportunity to make your customers feel valued and possibly upsell to them.
Remind Old Customers Why They Like You In The First Place
If your social media content is really good (hint: it should be) then old customers will still be following your page for years to come.
Imagine then the power of thousands of people seeing your brand, logo, product, and service every single day on their newsfeed.
It practically guarantees you will be the first choice on their mind when they need to re-buy.
Acquire New Customers With Genuine Content Instead Of Ads
The hardest thing to do in business these days is to get somebody’s attention.
As human beings, we have never before been advertised to as much as we are today. We are practically bombarded with ads telling us to buy things we don’t need or don’t want.
You can cut through this noise on social media not by trying your hardest to sell to audiences, but by creating genuinely engaging content that entertains and educates.
This will give new leads a reason to visit your age and learn more about you. Additionally, not being sold to will be refreshing: the last thing anyone on Facebook wants to do is interact with an ad.
People Need To Know What To Do For Your Business
The final step in your non-ad plan is so often overlooked: make sure you tell people what you want them to do!
Endlessly creating entertaining content on its own will not create revenue for your business.
Creating content can be fun, but remember: you’re here to generate revenue.
You need to end posts with a clear call to action, such as buy now and direct your followers to product pages.
It’s a good idea to create promotions that actively encourage your followers to buy, such as a limited time sale or an upcoming new product pre-purchase.
Now That You’ve Mastered Social Media, It’s Time To Talk Finances
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