Do you ever wish that you could show up every day full of energy and ready to give your best at work?
But more often than not, life outside of work throws you off rhythm and saps your energy?
Unfortunately, this is a very common ailment in today’s business owner ranks.
But we’ve had the advantage of observing Australia’s most successful business owners tackle & overcome this challenge.
So, we’ve listed four things you can do to keep yourself mentally focused and refreshed:
#1 – Set Just A Few, Achievable Goals Per Workday
Before your day starts: ask yourself exactly what tasks you want to accomplish today.
Don’t just write down everything that needs doing today.
Instead, what handful of tasks – if completed – would make you feel accomplished?
The key here is to pick only the most high priority tasks and limit them to two or three.
That way, if you only completed these goals you would still feel fulfilled at the end of the day.
Plus, when you go through busy periods at work, it can feel like you have too much to do.
Guess what this leads to? Yep: procrastination.
Instead, take a deep breath, write down your most important goals, and just focus on completing one at a time.
This will stop you feeling stressed out and remind you that not everything needs to be done ASAP.
#2 – Consider Journaling Outside Of Work For Your Mental Health
Journaling may seem like a strange and outdated practice – but hear us out.
Journaling – especially before bed – is a fantastic way to put your day into perspective.
The act of writing can help you to remember all that was good about your day – especially the little things we tend to forget.
Writing down your stresses and anxieties on paper can often lead to a reduction in the perceived magnitude of the problem, too.
The facts don’t lie, and there’s a reason the most successful business owners in the world journal regularly: it gives you better focus, mental clarity and increased feelings of gratitude.
Lastly, you’ll be able to create a rough timeline of your day: you can see exactly where things might have gone wrong for you, so you can avoid them in the future.
#3 – Take A Moment To Breathe & Meditate
You don’t need to be a monk to benefit from meditation in the workplace – all you need is a spare five minutes!
Simply find a quiet space, – whether in the break room, a nearby park, or even your car – close your eyes and breathe.
By clearing your mind for even just a few minutes and focusing on your breathing, you can recentre yourself.
This can help calm your nerves before an important meeting, or relax your jaw muscles when that urgent email enters your inbox.
A few minutes of meditating per day will leave you feeling more confident and calmer to face the day ahead.
You don’t even need to cross your legs or hum!
#4 – Enjoy A Regular 10 Minute Walk Outside
Getting regular time outside is one of the healthiest things you can do.
In fact, walking outside can inspire peaceful & pleasant effects on your mind, so much so that it’s often been likened to a type of meditation.
It’s also one of the best ways to take a break, especially when things are getting busy.
You may also find that the answer to a particular problem you’ve been trying to solve will suddenly appear. This often happens when you give your mind a break and focus on something else for a time.
Walking is also a great way to get exercise. This will pump up your endorphins and leave you feeling physically and mentally recharged with more energy to tackle your goals for the day!
Improve Your Financial Routine Next!
Now that your mental focus is sharp and productivity is – hopefully – off the charts, it’s time to focus on something a little more grounded: your finances.
Or, better yet, why not let a qualified professional focus on growing your finances for you?
At The A Firm, we’ve helped hundreds of small Aussie business owners grow their business finances and secure a brighter future.
So call us today to meet the team!