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How to Motivate Your Team as a Business Owner

Motivate Your Team for Higher Workplace Fulfillment

These days it feels like there are just so many things to keep track of inside your business to ensure continued success.

We’re talking about: digital marketing, software, research and development, CRM’s, scalability – even hiring the latest Tik Tok influencer!

The list could go on & on (and it does.)

But having a reliable & focused team you can trust is the most important factor to growing your business.

Your customers might pay the bills, but it’s your team that keeps your business running.

If you can’t leave the day-to-day executions and client management to someone you can trust, you won’t be able to focus on the big picture development of your business.

We’ve listed below a few things you can do to motivate your team.

Share Your Vision

Your vision may go by many names. Ethos. Message. Core values. Tenant.

However you call it, a fulfilling & comprehensive vision is essential to the success of any business, as it is the why that keeps you working.

It’s also the where: where will your business be in five, ten twenty years?

The How: how does your business help your customers, how does your product or service bring a positive change to your community.

Most business owners will obsess over this message throughout the years, to the point where it becomes easy to forget other people – their staff – might not be as attached to it as they are.

As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to communicate this vision to your employees. (This practice is also crucial to your business development strategy.)

An inspired team is one that believes in your vision – making it their vision too – and feels as though they are contributing to something bigger than day-to-day work.

When sharing your vision, you might want to try:

  1. Explaining what the business means to you, outside of an income source
  2. Share the story of how you started the business – including your trials and tribulations
  3. Explain what you believe the business can achieve in five, ten or twenty years – and listen to the direction which your team believes the business should go
Share the story of how you started the business - including your trials and tribulations

Balance Independence With Guidance

As a business owner with a team behind you, you’ll be taking on the role of teacher & mentor.

This is a natural progression, as you’ll be the most experienced specialist in your business.

In order to grow your sales funnel and inbound leads – as well maintain existing customer relationships – your team will need to be as good as you are.

The fastest way to improve your team’s skills reliably is to teach them yourself; this is also a great way to bond and get to know them better.

Nurturing & mentoring your team will drastically improve your business’s capabilities and give you the confidence to delegate more tasks.

At the same time, you also need to give your team the space they need to be independent.

Attempting to micromanage staff will take away from your time running the business, and worse: will rob them of the chance to learn and gain confidence.

Understand when to offer guidance, and when to let your team take the lead!

Sometimes, Work Needs to Be More Than Work

Job fulfillment can come in many different shapes and sizes.

Enjoying their work is one part needed for a motivated team; but they also have to enjoy where they work and who they work with – just ask our wonderful team here at The A Firm!

Studies have shown the lowest rated businesses in terms of staff fulfillment are those companies that treat their staff as merely a workforce, as opposed to a community & tight-knit team.

Work doesn’t have to be all fun and games: but work does occasionally need to be about more than just work to keep your team engaged and inspired, and allow them the opportunity to blow off some steam.

You may consider some of the following ideas for fun work-place activities:

  1. Friday afternoon drinks
  2. Christmas party
  3. Team-orientated activity day – rock climbing, flying fox, puzzles, mindfulness training
  4. A monthly team lunch
  5. Breakfast at the office
  6. Networking lunch
  7. An office raffle
  8. Participating in seasonal events, such as Melbourne cup or state of origin

You’ll want to keep a balance of fun business practices separate from daily work, a distinct vision that all members can contribute to, and also mentor your team regularly, to keep the heart and soul of your business inspired!

If you need help organizing your team and figuring how to best leverage their talents, then book a call with The A Firm today. Our financial experts offer tried and tested business growth strategies for all Aussie businesses!

Contact The A Firm Now to Find Out More! (07) 5596 4604 

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