The age-old debate is still raging today, and for good reason.
Who you hire effectively defines your business. They can either hinder or accelerate your business growth.
And at The A Firm, we’re aware that both qualifications and attitude can work in different scenarios.
But we believe for most industries, attitude is the wiser choice.
In the long run, attitude will usually trump qualifications in terms of your return on investment.
Like to know how? Read on!
Modern Technology Means Learning Speed Is Greatly Increased
Someone who has the right attitude will be exceptionally eager to learn how they can contribute to, and improve, your business.
And with technology these days – such as AI and free courses – you’ll be astounded at how fast people can upskill themselves.
What may have once taken a few years to get a new hire up to speed, can now be accomplished in as little as a few months.
Plus, by learning at a fast rate new employees will be up to date with new trends and methods.
Good Attitude = Good Office Atmosphere
There’s no understating how important it is to have a positive office environment.
Funnily enough, this can be created by just one person’s positive outlook and high energy – both derived from a good attitude!
Creating a friendly team environment is essential to the long term success of your business.
People are much more productive when they actually enjoy where they work. This helps to:
- Increase creativity
- Improve collaboration
- Reduce burnout rate
- Increase employee retention
Not to mention that people will simply be happier!
Overall, it will be much easier in the future to hire someone new if all your existing team members project a positive and friendly atmosphere.
Willing To Learn & Take On New Responsibilities
One potential downside to hiring based on qualifications is a limiting mindset:
A qualified hire may see themselves occupying only the role that is advertised and no scope beyond it.
They may be unwilling to learn new skills or take on new responsibilities, preferring instead to stick with what they know.
But when hiring on attitude, you may find your new hire more than happy to learn whatever new skills you think are valuable, in order to make up for their lack of qualifications.
This will let you scale your business and rely on your new team member for the long term.
Limitless Potential!
Typically, qualified hires are more likely to have a self-perceived ceiling on their potential.
They may believe themselves limited to what their qualifications allow them to accomplish, and only that.
This is particularly bad if they are not inclined to upskill themselves like we mentioned before.
Someone with a great attitude, however, is the opposite: their potential is limitless!
This is because they will have the attitude needed to learn new skills, take on new responsibilities and increase positivity around the office.
The best case scenario with hiring based on qualifications? They do their job.
The best case scenario for hiring based on attitude? They could completely change your business for the better and become your new best employee!
What If You Could Have Both?
Now of course, the best case scenario is to find someone that has both attitude and qualifications.
But typically these people are rare to come by.
But what if you could find someone on demand? And what if that someone could take over your finances and even increase them year after year?
At The A Firm that’s exactly what we do.
So call us today for your free meet and greet with Australia’s most trusted accounting and bookkeeping firm!