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How To Use Information Streams To Upskill Your Business

There are many reasons a business owner may be considered successful. But more often than not, a pattern emerges: they never stop learning.

You could say it’s why they never stop earning, too!

You see, continuing to learn no matter what stage of life you’re at is simply a recipe for success – and fulfillment.

But what’s the best way to keep learning? Better yet, how do you continue to learn new knowledge that is relevant to your industry?

You’re about to find out…

What Is An ‘Information Stream’ And How Do You Use It?

Now, normally if you want to learn a new trade, skillset, or just a hobby, you’d pick up a good book or two.

While this advice is still totally valid, you’re living in an age of information highways that you could be taking advantage of, too.

There are entire courses, mastermind groups, webinars, and libraries upon libraries of digital content on the internet that are tailored to your exact industry, niche and questions.

We call these information streams.

The only problem? Sometimes we can have too much information to choose from.

With so much information on the web, you have the opportunity to learn fast and deep, provided you choose the right source of information.

The flipside is there are plenty of bad sources to choose from and ineffective information streams out there.

But the right information streams can be powerful tools.

They are typically digital channels that you should be checking regularly in order to find:

  1. Recent & up-to-date troves of your industry’s trends
  2. Tech innovations that are shaking up your competitors
  3. Keep an eye on said competition
  4. Learn from industry leaders in real time

Is Twitter All Controversy, Or Can It Be Useful?

Despite the controversial take-over by Elon Musk, Twitter has long been a high valued information stream among business owners.

That’s because it does one thing exceptionally well:

It let’s you get up close & personal with industry leaders, CEO’s and thought leaders.

Twitter is a personal platform: nobody really follows businesses on it – like Google, for example.

But you would follow Sundar Pichai who is the current CEO of Google.

At a glance, his profile would show you what other companies he is meeting with to discuss collaboration with Google and  what new technology his research teams are working on.

You’ll even learn what the latest podcast he’s featured on has been, which may give you an insight into his leadership and management values.

Twitter is a great platform for learning how the best in the industry think and operate their own businesses.

Unlock The Hidden Power Of LinkedIn

Linkedin is a bit different than Twitter: instead of keeping track of individuals, LinkedIn can be a great way to keep track of businesses as entities themselves.

You can use it to:

  1. See what industry leading companies are posting about
  2. How they engage LinkedIn as a marketing network
  3. The exact employee size of a business
  4. Which companies are collaborating with who
  5. And of course, any updates a company may have, you can be sure LinkedIn is the first place they will post

But, here’s another way you can use this platform as an information stream. You see, companies on LinkedIn love to talk about their latest trends.

In most cases, this is the latest tech that is disrupting the industry.

LinkedIn lets you keep a pulse on the major talking points in your industry: you can avoid the major challenges facing your competitors.

It’s also a great stream to keep in contact with your fellow business owners, a great place to network, and keep an eye out for rising talent.

Youtube Isn’t Just For Funny Videos – You Can Learn On It Too

YouTube is the original information stream: if you want to learn how to do something, you’re sure to find an in-depth tutorial here.

While you may not find much content from established industry leaders or well-known celebrities, you’ll easily find experts willing to help.

The advantage of using YouTube as an information stream is you can usually see how experts practice their craft, or solve a problem.

It’s tremendously more powerful than simply reading about how to send an email marketing campaign, for example.

Instead, you can watch a top notch graphic designer, CRM expert, and copywriter collaborate on it in real time.

However, there’s one thing to be aware of.

Because YouTube can be heavily monetised, many content creators will be using the platform for marketing purposes.

So make sure you take everything they say with a grain of salt and do your due diligence!

Enough About Information Streams – What About Finance Streams?

Now that you know where to best learn your information, it’s time to connect directly with the financial experts:

Your financial experts, The A Team!

We’re now offering a free 15 minute meet and greet with our CEO and founder.

Our expert team of bookkeepers and accountants are ready to help grow your business finances, so get in touch today!

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